Activity Archives

Overview of Liver Transtplantation
The Department of Surgery, MGMC RI and Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMC RI organized a Guest Talk on Overview of Liver Transtplantation by Dr.M.P.Senthilkumar,

Overview of Liver Transplantation
The Department of Surgery, MGMC RI and Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMC RI organized a Guest Talk on Overview of Liver Transplantation by Dr.M.P.Senthilkumar,

MOU between MGMCRI and IMC Fachhochschule, Krem, Austria and SBVU, represented by the Dean (R & AHS), Pondicherry
IMC Fachhochschule, Krem, Austria and SBVU, represented by the Dean (R & AHS), Pondicherry on 27.09.2016.
Course Commencement Ceremony – 2016
The MBBS Course commencement ceremony for the MBBS Batch 2016 had held on 19 the September 2016 welcoming the future physicians to the institution.

CME on National Conference on Upper GI and HBP
The Department of Surgery conducted a one day CME on NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UPPER GI AND HPB (Conference Nationalesur Gastrointestinal SuperieuretChirurgieHepatobiliaire) on the 24th Sept
On 24th September 2016, there was a “meet and greet” session for the freshers’ with the students council where the members shared their experiences studying