Tertiary Care Hospital
Only Hospital to be NABH certified pre-accreditation entry-level in Pondicherry
MGMCRI Hospital
Comments / Complaints / Feedback / Suggestions
We aim to provide caring, high-quality service and are always pleased to receive feedback from you or from your family or from your friends. If you are happy with your own experience, we would like to hear from you – this helps us to know when we get it right. But more importantly, we need to know when we have not met your expectations. as part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we obtain feedback from patients. Taking account of their views and priorities is vital to our drive to improve our service year on year. We will respond to any concerns considerately, quickly and as effectively as possible. All comments and complaints are taken seriously, regardless of their nature; medical, nursing, accommodation, food or administration.
We receive comments, complaints, feedback or suggession through suggestion boxes kept at various locations of the hospital, phone calls/emails to the respective heads, direct communication to the Administrators and through our dedicated portal to facilitate these services