Patient Care Services Offered

The Department is located in the first floor of the main hospital building. We offer medical, surgical care and special clinics like Allergy Clinic, Headache Clinic, Cancer clinic. However, emergency services are provided round the clock. Ours is a state-of-the-art facility installed with high-end equipment not limited to pure tone audiometry, diagnostic nasal and oral endoscopy in order to impart appropriate health care.
General OPD Services
OPD Functions between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm every day except Sundays and holidays. Each patient is thoroughly evaluated and a proper management plan is arrived by the experts.
Private Clinic
The department of ENT offers a Fastrack, quality service to the patients by senior Doctors. The Department also offers a comprehensive Master Health Check-up service to individuals visiting the hospital for a general check-up. Please contact the MRD of the hospital to avail of this service.
Outreach Activity
We also provide community health services in association with NGO’s in rural areas of Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu via outreach camps. The department is also actively involved in Telemedicine camps. If you want to conduct a camp in your region kindly contact our hospital camp coordinator.
Special Clinics
We run special clinics for the benefit of the public to address specific complaints. Headache clinic, Allergy Clinic, Cancer Clinic, Neuro Otology Clinic are the clinics run at our department. Below is the schedule of the clinics.
Cancer Clinic
Friday 2-4 pm
Notable Consultants
MGMCRI Hospital
Advanced, Caring, Assured

Team of Doctors giving you the best healthcare to Stay Healthy