
We are playing an important role in both diagnostic services in hospital as well in academics as teaching faculty for both undergraduates and postgraduate.
Laboratory Services
We have well-established branches such as:
- Histopathology
- Cytology
- Hematology and clinical pathology
- Molecular diagnostics ( newly developing branch)
- Blood bank in hospital services
In all the diagnostic laboratories, quality assurance, laboratory personal training and evaluation and biomedical waste management are carried out as per standard operating procedure with reference to the norms of the accreditation bodies.
Hematology,clinical pathology and blood bank provide round the clock services in patient care
Hematology,clinical pathology and blood bank provide round the clock services in patient care
- Nearly about 4000 specimens are reported per year
- Hierarchy pattern of reporting is followed
- All oncology specimens are reported in CAP protocol which helps the clinician to assess pathological grading and staging.
- Every month interesting cases are discussed with clinicians via CPC, Tumor board meeting and death audits.
- Turn around time statistics are maintained.
- We strictly adhere to quality indicators pertaining to quality assurance.
- Both internal quality control and EQAS are done every month and necessary steps taken for correction according to the observation.
- We are also doing Frozen section reporting about 30-40 cases per year.
- Various Histochemical stains and Immunohistochemistry panel of markers for different tumors are available
- Immunofluorescence for renal and skin biopsies is being carried out for diagnostic and research purposes.
- Polarizer Unit is also being standardized and will be available for diagnostic services in a short span.
- In cytology, we are reporting FNAC (both guided and direct aspirates), Pap smear, Exfoliative cytology, body fluids and cell block in a hierarchical pattern.
- EQAS from RML laboratory is also done.
- Technicians are periodically trained and evaluated.
Consultation services in Histopathology and cytology
- External slides and blocks are reviewed for the cases referred to MGMCRI or when second opinion sought from other departments.
- IHC on requisition basis is done for outside cases for diagnostic and research purposes.
Future Plans for Histopathology & Cytology
- With collaboration from CIDRF we are also planning to expand molecular pathology diagnostics.
- We are also working to establish immunocytochemistry and enhancement of immunohistochemical panel of markers
- Hematology services are available 24×7 and critical alerts are informed to concerned clinicians
- Both Five parts and eight parts autoanalysers are used for complete blood counts. IQAC (LJ charting) and EQAS from AIIMS, New Delhi are carried out
- We are doing basic work up for Hemolytic anemia and Leukemia
- We are reporting both bone marrow aspiration and Biopsy including Special stains for leukemia.
- Technicians are periodically trained and evaluated
Clinical pathology
- In clinical pathology complete urine analysis and body fluid analysis are done.
- Semen analysis as a part of infertility work up is being done.
- Technicians are periodically trained and evaluated as a part of quality assurance
Future plans in Hematology
- Initiate to start HPLC, coagulation assay and work up for bleeding disorders.
- We wish to establish flow cytometry in collaboration with CIDRF
Blood Bank
The following investigations are carried out
- Blood grouping and cross-matching
- Component separation and issue
- Serology work up
- Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia workup
- Rh incompatibility works up.
- Donor screening and Counselling
Other Activities in Blood Bank
- Adherence to the hemovigilance program and reporting of transfusion-transmitted reactions and infections.
- Maintenance of Quality indicators.
- Technicians are periodically trained and evaluated.
- Frequent Blood grouping and blood donation camps are conducted.
- Awareness programs are being carried on for promoting voluntary blood donation
- Therapeutic phlebotomy also is done for required indications
- Plasma is used for dermatological treatment and surgical wound healing purposes.
- They are also undergoing periodic technical workshops (both state and national)