Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)

Accredited by NAAC with highest A++ Grade

Ranked 77 among Universities by NIRF 2023

A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Accredited by


Nirf 2023 among Medical

47 Rank

Nirf 2023 among universities

77 Rank


Tertiary Care Hospital

Only Hospital to be NABH certified pre-accreditation entry-level in Pondicherry

Disaster Management

Disaster Management Plan and Procedure

Definition of Disaster​

The Term disaster implies unexpected and significantly large rush of casualties/emergencies clearly in excess of the normal, caused by a natural calamity or manmade disasters such as accidents/terrorist attacks/warfare or any other similar situation which cannot be dealt by the organization in a routine way.

Types of Disaster

It is not possible to enumerate all possible situations which may arise from time to time. However commonly disaster is

  • Vehicular accidents, air crash emergencies.
  • Bullet and blast injuries.
  • Collapse of a building
  • Fire
  • Civil commotion like communal riots, violent agitation, terrorist attack
  • Natural calamities like flood, earthquake and outbreak of epidemics.
  • Mass food poisoning or epidemics.
  • Conventional, Nuclear, Biological or Chemical Warfare casualties.

Disaster Management Committee

Constitution of Disaster Management Committee

The following officers of the Hospital will form the “Disaster Management Committee” under the Chairmanship of the MS/Dean. It would comprise of the following members:-
1. Dean
2. Medical Superintendent
3. Deputy Medical Superintendent,
4. Head of Dept. Surgery, Member
5. Head of Dept. Medicine, Member
6. Head of Dept. Neurosurgery, Member
7. Head of Dept. Anesthesiology, Member
8. Head of Dept. Burns & Plastic Surgery, Member
9. Head of Dept. Radiology, Member
10. Head of Dept. Orthopedics, Member
11. Head of Dept. Laboratory Medicine, Member
12. HOD of Dept. Forensic Medicine, Member
13. HOD of Dept. Community Medicine
14. Safety Officer, Member
15. Officer Incharge Medical Store, Member
16. Officer Incharge General Store, Member
17. Nursing Superintendent, Member
18. Blood Bank Officer, Member
19. Chief Medical Officer I/c Casualty, Member Secretary
20. Officer I/c Transport, Member
21. Security Incharge, Member

The committee would co-opt any other functionary of the hospital depending upon the situation and the type of disaster. It would also form sub-committee/s to assist it as and when necessary. The committee will meet at least once in 3 months to review the working of the contingency plan, the problem faced in recent disaster and amendment/modification to be adopted in future.
The Committee will be overall responsible for managing the disaster situation, take administrative decisions as and when required, review the disaster plan and to inform the authorities on the situation.
For day to day supervision a CORE GROUP for disaster management will be constituted under the Medical Superintendent with the following members
1. Deputy Medical Superintendent
2. CMO I/c Casualty
3. General Surgeon
4. Physician
5. Orthopedic Surgeon
6. Plastic Surgeon
7. Neuro Surgeon
8. CMO Casualty (member secretary)
9. Safety Officer

Nursing Superintendent

Name of these functionaries will be published monthly by the MS/Dean’s office.

Disaster Management Plan

Tea, coffee, shall be made for attendants as well

  1. As soon as any intimation regarding disaster is received/Disaster patients arrive, casualty doctor on duty shall receive them and attend to them promptly, efficiently and courteously. He would record the details after taking out the disaster pack.
  2. Immediately inform the Nodal Officer (CMO) who in turn will immediately inform the officer in charge casualty, CMO and MS/Dean. All involved with disaster management will be informed by telephone and through SMS, thereby calling them to the hospital immediately for disaster management and informing them about the prevailing situation. Nodal Officer and CMO on duty shall immediately put in service number of trolleys, wheelchairs from casualty as well as Ward. A & Ward.B and in case of necessity from other wards also.

             Ward A (15-30Beds)

             Medical Officer Incharge – Associate Professor

             Ward B (15-30 Beds)

             Medical Officer Incharge – Associate Professor

  1. Nodal Officer will immediately alert and press into service doctor from Wd.A, Wd.B.
  2. Order vacation of Wards A and B. In all 45 beds are available in casualty, Wd. A and Wd.B. In case more beds are needed to follow Para 9.
  3. Alert ICU, EOT, OT IInd Floor, Blood Bank, Burns Casualty and CT Scan, Ultrasound and Xray rooms. Portable X-ray machines will be placed in ward A & B.
  4. Nursing Superintendent will also deploy extra nursing staff, Nursing Orderlies, Stretcher, bearers, Housekeeping Staff and Security Guards for the help from their place of duty.
  5. He will give instructions to the Security Officer on duty regulate the patients and crowd with the help of security and police personnel.
  6. The nodal officer will immediately alert all the staff and concerned Heads of Unit and Departments with the help of central announcing system in central inquiry and central telephone exchange.
  7. All the available ambulances shall be put in service.
  8. List of all the categories of staff with addresses, telephone numbers will be available in the control room.
  9. Doctors working in casualty will immediately conduct a triage i.e. sorting out a case of minor, moderately serious and very serious nature and take the necessary steps accordingly.

             Various types of token will be tied around the arm to denote the seriousness of the patient.

             Red – Priority I, Requiring urgent resuscitation and possible surgery.

            Yellow – Priority II, a serious patient requiring attention.

            Green – Priority III, All other patients not in priority I & II.

            The blood shall be indented immediately and the patient was taken to minor OT/Major OT directly in Priority I cases if needed.

  1. All the MLCs will be recorded properly and in details in MLC Register. All MLCs to be informed to the police immediately.
  2. More no. of OT tables shall be made available to handle the increased load of surgery.
  3. A comprehensive list of all patients coming to casualty shall be prepared and prominently displayed in Tamil & English outside casualty.
  4. As far as possible all the cases shall be managed in the shortest possible time.
  5. Wherever necessary, emergency drugs, which are not available, shall be procured.
  6. If necessary extra trays shall be indented from CSSD which is working round the clock.
  7. All the dead bodies shall be properly packed; identification tag put on them and then sent to the mortuary. The responsibilities lie with Mortuary Incharge.
  8. Arrangement for tent, water, snacks as staffs though the kitchen, canteen.

Disaster Control Room

  • In the eventuality of a disaster, the existing Emergency Control Room function from the Casualty would be energized as the Disaster Control Room. It would be manned round the clock by the Nodal Officer/Chief Medical Officers and designated as EMERGENCY CONTROL ROOM OFFICER (E.C.R.O) under the overall supervision of the Medical Superintendent. The Control Room will collect, collate, coordinate and disseminate relevant information on disaster situation.
  • For such purpose, the Disaster Control Room is equipped with communication facilities to contact the command nucleus, crisis points, hospital functionaries, police control room and the nodal ministry. The contact numbers of committee members should be available in the Disaster Control Room. 

MGMCRI Hospital