master health checkup

- Health is wealth. From time immemorial, man has been interested in trying to control disease. It has been truly said that medicine was conceived in sympathy and born out of necessity, and that the first man was the first doctor and the first woman was the first nurse.
- Health is defined as a state of complete physical psychological and mental well being and not merely the absence of any disease (WHO). It has become a fact that disease attacks human beings irrespective of age, sex, culture, occupation and other factors.
Scope of Master check-up
- Today world is filled with stress, emotional imbalance, occupational hazards, pollution etc. The situation has become so worse that, health of an individual depends not only on his own self, but also on his adjoining factors and his environment.
- In today’s fast moving world, we give less importance to our health until our health is disturbed by some signs and symptoms (or) any disease. Some of us even neglect our own health, even the disturbances are felt. Even though we are aware of the health hazards, we are not much worried about it (or) we do not have enough time to spare for it.
- In the above context, it is wiser and more economical to invest in health promotion and disease prevention, rather than to think of walking into a hospital after falling ill.
- Keeping the above facts in our minds, our hospital has designed various health care packages that suit the needs of various people of different age groups.
List of Private Sector companies empanelled for the Health Check up of their employees
- Foseco India Ltd,MSI Area PIPDIC Industrial Estate Area, Mettupalayam,Puducherry-605 009.
- ST-CMS, 250 MW LFPP, Utangal, Virudhachalam-607 804.
- Tanfac Industries Ltd, 14, SIPCOT Industrial complex, Kudikadu, Cuddalore-607 005.
- Teleflex Medical Pvt Ltd, RS No 23, Thirubuvanai, Mannadipet Commune, Puducherry-605 107.
- Asian Paints Ltd, B5 to B10, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Kudikadu,Cuddalore-607 005.
- GSR Products Ltd, C-10, Sipcot Industrial Complex, Cuddalore-607 005.
- SHASUN Chemicals And Drugs Ltd, A1/B, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Cuddalore -607 005.
- SIPCOT Project Office, Kudikadu, Cuddalore-607005.
- Chemplast Sanmar Ltd, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Semmankuppam, Cuddalore-607 005.
- Clariant Chemicals India Ltd, Kudikadu, Sipcot,Cuddalre 607 005.
List of Public Sector companies empanelled for the Health Check up of their employees
- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, Puducherry – 605 001.
- Pondicherry University, R.Venkataraman Nagar, Kalapet, Puducherry- 605 014.
- GAIL India Ltd, 4th Foor, Savitha Plaza, Indira Gandhi Square, Puducherry 605 005.
- Madras Cements Ltd, Alathiyur, Ariyalur Dt, Trichirapalli – 621 730.
Mode Of Payment
For individual cases, the charges depend on the package chosen by them and an additional amount of Rs. 5, for making a case sheet. Payment has to be made at MHC. An attender deposits the amount at the billing counter, and gives the paid bill/receipt to the persons.
For companies, empanelled with us, credit facility is extended to their employees. Once when the employee undergoes test in batches, a cumulative bill for that employee along with the individual paid receipts is sent to the company. The company can make the payment through a cheque (or) DD in favour of “Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute”.
For tests and investigations prescribed / referred on other OPD’s the person (both individual as well as a company employee) needs to pay directly at the billing counter and thereafter undergo respective tests / investigations.