Guidelines for Research - Postgraduates
- Allocation of Guide and Co-Guide, within one month of joining the course
- Dissertation topic selection and planning of research
- Â Candidates must attend the one week workshop on Protocol writing and Research Methodology, conducted by the institute, after 3 months of joining the course.
- All candidates must enroll and complete the online Basic course for Biomedical Research, conducted by ICMR and NIE, Govt of India, and submit the certificate of completion to the university.
- Dissertation Protocol writing according to the prescribed template for submission to PG Training Committee and Institutional Human Ethics Committee (IHEC). Template listed below.
- Review of protocol by the PG Training Committee, who will make the recommendations for the projects to the IHEC.Â
- Following approval from PG Training Committee, after making the necessary changes, the protocol will be presented to the IHEC on a set date.
- IHEC will review the protocols according to the ICMR Guidelines and make their recommendation.
- After approval, IHEC will issue a certificate to the candidates, following which candidates may register their project in the Central Trial Registry of India (CTRI) –
- All the above-mentioned steps must be completed within 6 months of joining the course.
- Data collection for the project may commence after approval from PG Training Committee, IHEC and registration in CTRI.
- An interim analysis should be done between 6 months – 1 year to do a mid-course correction.
- The dissertation should be completed and submitted for correction within the stipulated time (Announcement will be made on the Dates).
- All candidates must present one paper in a conference/scientific forum.
- All candidates must present one poster in a conference/scientific forum.
- The Dissertation must have been submitted as a paper to a Scientific Journal, enlisted in the UGC.
- All candidates must submit an article (apart for the dissertation) for publication in a Scientific journal, enlisted in the UGC.Â
- A candidate will be allowed to appear for the University examinations only after acceptance of the thesis by the external examiners, and completion of steps 14 to 17.