Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)

Accredited by NAAC with highest A++ Grade

Ranked 77 among Universities by NIRF 2023

A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Accredited by


Nirf 2023 among Medical

47 Rank

Nirf 2023 among universities

77 Rank



Guidelines for Research - Postgraduates

  1. Allocation of Guide and Co-Guide, within one month of joining the course
  2. Dissertation topic selection and planning of research
  3.  Candidates must attend the one week workshop on Protocol writing and Research Methodology, conducted by the institute, after 3 months of joining the course.
  4. All candidates must enroll and complete the online Basic course for Biomedical Research, conducted by ICMR and NIE, Govt of India, and submit the certificate of completion to the university.
  5. Dissertation Protocol writing according to the prescribed template for submission to PG Training Committee and Institutional Human Ethics Committee (IHEC). Template listed below.
  6. Review of protocol by the PG Training Committee, who will make the recommendations for the projects to the IHEC. 
  7. Following approval from PG Training Committee, after making the necessary changes, the protocol will be presented to the IHEC on a set date.
  8. IHEC will review the protocols according to the ICMR Guidelines and make their recommendation.
  9. After approval, IHEC will issue a certificate to the candidates, following which candidates may register their project in the Central Trial Registry of India (CTRI) –
  10. All the above-mentioned steps must be completed within 6 months of joining the course.
  11. Data collection for the project may commence after approval from PG Training Committee, IHEC and registration in CTRI.
  12. An interim analysis should be done between 6 months – 1 year to do a mid-course correction.
  13. The dissertation should be completed and submitted for correction within the stipulated time (Announcement will be made on the Dates).
  14. All candidates must present one paper in a conference/scientific forum.
  15. All candidates must present one poster in a conference/scientific forum.
  16. The Dissertation must have been submitted as a paper to a Scientific Journal, enlisted in the UGC.
  17. All candidates must submit an article (apart for the dissertation) for publication in a Scientific journal, enlisted in the UGC. 
  18. A candidate will be allowed to appear for the University examinations only after acceptance of the thesis by the external examiners, and completion of steps 14 to 17.
