Leave Policy and Regulations
MGMCRI faculty and management stress that the students maintain, a healthy 90% and above attendance in the clinical, lecture and now–lecture formats.
Students absence from any of the above curricular activities should be notified to the Head of the Departments concerned and the office of the Dean. For students staying in the hostel, a permission letter from the parent/guardian addressed to the Dean, is a pre-requisite for processing of leave, along with the leave application from the students.
Students posted in clinical specialties need to get permission from the Head of the department concerned before applying for leave from the office of the Dean.
Application for Leave Absence from clinical & courses shall be categorized under the following 2 categories.
- Authorized leave – This category of leave is applicable for unexpected events/illness of the student.
- ‘On Duty’ Permission – is applicable for participation in scheduled conferences and other academic activities approved by the Office of the Dean and for participation in sports and other co-curricular & extra-curricular activities, outside the Institute, approved by the office of the Dean.
- Vacations and Holidays The vacations period and the list of approved holidays are published in the academic calendar. Students are not allowed to begin vacations before the published vacation start date and extend vacation beyond the published vacation end date
Consequences of Non-compliance with attendance policy
The students who do not satisfy the attendance requirements as per SBV regulations will not be allowed to appear for the University examinations
Students need to attend extra remedial classes and assignments to complete the course requirements.