Patient care services offered.​
The Pediatric OPD is located in the D block, the ground floor of the hospital building. Children up to 12 years of age attending the pediatric OPD, which functions from 8.30 A.M to 4.30 P.M on all weekdays and from 8.30 A.M until 1.00 P.M on weekends. Apart from the regular OPD services, there are special units that run on specific days of the week to attend to the needs of children who require special, individualized care. Pediatric neurology services are available on all days. vaccines are given on Wednesdays and Fridays. High-risk infant followup clinic is conducted on Wednesday & Friday. The OPD has facilities to provide treatment like Nebulization, Injections and has the necessary equipment to provide emergency care when required.
The Pediatric department of MGMCRI offers the following services
Outpatient unit
The Pediatric OPD is located in the D block, the ground floor of the hospital building. Children up to 12 years of age attending the pediatric OPD, which functions from 8.30 A.M to 4.30 P.M on all weekdays and from 8.30 A.M until 1.00 P.M on weekends. Apart from the regular OPD services, there are special units that run on specific days of the week to attend to the needs of children who require special, individualized care. Pediatric neurology services are available on all days. vaccines are given on Wednesdays and Fridays. High-risk infant followup clinic is conducted on Wednesday & Friday. The OPD has facilities to provide treatment like Nebulization, Injections and has the necessary equipment to provide emergency care when required.
In-Patient Services
General pediatric ward has 4 units with 120 beds for treating sick children and also for doing tests for prolonged undiagnosed illnesses. The children are taken care, round the clock by a team of doctors. Emergency facilities like giving nebulising,giving oxygen and intravenous fluids ang drugs and blood transfusion are available.All children admitted in ward are screened for undernutrition and incomplete immunisation and advised accordingly.
Neonatal Care
Newborn babies with problems like prematurity,low birth weight,breathing difficulties,not cried well at birth, with other organic problems and surgical problems are admitted in NICU and treated by a team of experienced doctors. Interventions like intubation and mechanical ventilation, surfactant therapy, Â exchange transfusions, emergency chest tube insertion for breathlessness are being done by experienced hands.
- All the deliveries are attended by paediatricians trained in neonatal resuscitation
- Counseling is offered for all prospective parents by obstetricians and paediatricians before the birth of the baby
- Complex neonatal surgeries are being done by an experienced pediatric surgeon
- NICU graduates with risk factors are being followed up regularly at neurodevelopmental follow-up clinic held once a week with a multidisciplinary approach, including screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity and hearing impairment (BERA)
- Well baby clinic for routine check-up and immunization of all babies born here is being conducted twice a week.
Postnatal Care
In the postnatal ward, every newborn is examined by a team of doctors every day to monitor signs of well being and to identify the sick ones for intensive care. Doctors and trained nursing staff are available round the clock to address emergency issues. All problems related to breastfeeding are identified and addressed personally at the earliest.
The common problems encountered during routine rounds in postnatal wards are neonatal jaundice, low blood glucose levels , infections, fits, etc. Such infants are immediately shifted to NICU for further evaluation and management.
During the hospital stay, mothers are taught methods of keeping the newborn warm including Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC), care of the umbilical cord and recognition of early signs of infection. All babies who received NICU care are followed up in a postnatal ward for feeding, weight gain and completion of antibiotics.
At discharge, a doctor takes responsibility for counselling all the mothers about exclusive breastfeeding, burping, need for appropriate temperature maintenance, bathing etc, and their concerns and doubts are cleared before discharge. A specific date for follow up is given to each of them. Discharge summary which is being given to the patient contains detailed information about antenatal risk factors, intrapartum events, and anthropometry at discharge. For babies who were admitted in NICU for a long time, problem-based details and their specific management are provided for future reference in their discharge summary.
Pediatrics Hematology Clinic
Saturday 11-1 pm
Notable Consultants