Activity Archives

Hands-on workshop on combined spinal anesthesia technique
Department of Anaesthesiology conducted a hands-on workshop on combined spinal anesthesia technique on 29th January 2018 at Dept. of Anaesthesiology.
C5 Career Guidance program
Our department conducted ‘C5 – Career Guidance program’ for outgoing interns on 22nd January 2018 along with the Alumni association of MGMCRI.. The program gave
Music Therapy: An Interface between Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine
Department of Community Medicine in collaboration with CMTER organized a talk/ event on the topic “Music Therapy: An Interface between Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine”

IBUS Network & Infrastructure Private Limited, Bangalore & SBV, Pondicherry
MoU was signed between IBUS Network & Infrastructure Private Limited, Bangalore & SBV,Pondicherry on 4th january 2018and is valid till 3th January 2028.

M/s Medall Health Care Pvt.Ltd (PAN: AABCP9015E),Kilpak,Chennai & MGMCRI
MoU was signed between M/s Medall Health Care Pvt.Ltd (PAN: AABCP9015E), Kilpak, Chennai & MGMCRI on 1st January 2018 and is valid till 31st December