Activity Archives

CME on Breast Disease
The CME on Breast Diseases was organised by the Department of General Surgery of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College. It was inaugurated by Prof.V.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, Sri

CME on Breast Disease
Department of general surgery, MGMC& RI conducted a Breast CME on 22.06.2018

MOU between MGMCRI & CRIMSUN Organics Pvt. Ltd
MGMCRI & CRIMSUN Organics Pvt. Ltd., on 20.06.2018.
CReAMS (Clinical Research and Audit by Medical Students)
Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI in co-ordination with various clinical departments / labs of MGMC&RI co-ordinated the CReAMS (Clinical Research and Audit by Medical Students)

MGMCRI observed Blood Donor’s Day
MGMCRI observed the Blood Donor’s Day for the year 2018 on 14-06-2018 at MRD, MGMCRI Hospital. The programme is to create awareness among the public

CME on Over Active Bladder
An Interdepartmental CME was conducted by AlembecPharma for the departments of OBG and Urology. Prof.Dr.A.Mossadeq, Head urology,spoke about The Holistic Approach of Over Active Bladder