Activity Archives

CNE for Nurses
Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Karthick S, Assistant Professor, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, participated as resource persons in CNE for
ERS 2018
Dr.Vimal Raj.R attended European Respiratory Society Congress 2018 –World’s largest Annual Pulmonology Conference, held at Paris, France and presented a paper on “Correlation of sputum

World Suicide Prevention Day
The Department of Psychiatry conducted an awareness program for the benefit of patients & their relatives, in MRD lobby of MGMCRI, in commemoration of World

MGMCRI – Course commencement ceremony 2018 – MBBS
Course commencement ceremony of MBBS 2018 Batch was held on 06-09-2018

MOU between MGMCRI & Metropolis Healthcare LTD
MGMCRI & Metropolis Healthcare LTD on 01.09.2018.

Induction Program – Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
The induction program for the undergraduate Allied Health Science courses for the academic year 2018-19 was inaugurated on 29th August 2018 by Honorable respected Vice-chancellor