Activity Archives

Disaster Preparedness in hospitals
Disasters are increasingly becoming common and disaster preparedness is the need of the hour. The hospitals serve as the main hub in any society affected

Workshop on Good Clinical Practice
The Workshop was conducted by the Department of Pharmacology in association with Indian Pharmacological Society (Puducherry Chapter) on Nov 21st 2019. Registrations started by 8.45

CME On Molecular Pathology and Genomics – Decoding Sequences: A New Path
A one day CME On Molecular Pathology and Genomics titled “Decoding Sequences: A New Path” was conducted by the Department of Pathology on 16.11.2019. Diagnostic

Simulation Training Education For Patient Safety
An interdisciplinary course was conducted as per the MoU signed between MSC, MGMCRI and PediSTARS, a paediatric simulation society on 8th to 9th November 2019

Newbie Ride, a cycle ride promoting physical and cardiac fitness sponsored by Alumni Association
Newbie Ride, a cycle ride promoting physical and cardiac fitness sponsored by Alumni Association was held on 03.11.2019. Newbie ride began at 5.30 am from

Health Camp at Old Age Home, Cuddalore commemorating the World Elders Day
Alumni Association of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute conducted a healthy camp at an old age home, Cuddalore. The programme started at 11.00