Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute is a leading medical institution in the country, having figured among the top 50 medical institutions, as per India Rankings 2024, released by NIRF, India. Named after the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi, MGMCRI is head and shoulders above many a medical college in the country and continues to inspire the young and avid minds of prospective medical professionals.
A constituent College of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry (a Health Sciences Deemed to be University, accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade), MGMCRI offers a salubrious, yet academically challenging environment that boasts of an excellent reputation, synonymous with the availability of well qualified and experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, well trained supportive staff, patient friendly health care team and above all eager, bright and discerning students who are ever ready to tread on their chosen path and profession with diligence, obedience, commitment, perseverance and dedication.
Glimpse of MBBS Course Commencement @ MGMCRI
Happenings @ Mgmcri
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute is a leading medical institution in the country, having figured among the top 50 medical institutions, as per India Rankings 2023, released by NIRF, India. Named after the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi, MGMCRI is head and shoulders above many a medical college in the country and continues to inspire the young and avid minds of prospective medical professionals.
A constituent College of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry (a Health Sciences Deemed to be University, accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade), MGMCRI offers a salubrious, yet academically challenging environment that boasts of an excellent reputation, synonymous with the availability of well qualified and experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, well trained supportive staff, patient friendly health care team and above all eager, bright and discerning students who are ever ready to tread on their chosen path and profession with diligence, obedience, commitment, perseverance and dedication.

All our programmes are designed to meet with the core mission to facilitate the development of students into professionals who are in the front lines of medicine and science serving the community.
Faculty of Medicine
Please find the latest announcements made by the institute. If you want to know the details of the announcement click the read more link. For older announcement please visit the announcement archives page.
Announcement dated
Announcement dated
Supplementary Provisional List for Ph.D. Admissions, 2025 (Batch – I)
Announcement dated
Provisional List of candidates Selected For Ph.D. 2025 Batch – I at SBV
Announcement dated
Notice Of Phd Public Viva-Voce Examination Of Mr. Uthiravelu P, Part Time Internal Candidate In Physiology
Announcement dated
Advertisement for the post of Head, MGM Clinical Trials and Training Center (MGM-CTC)
Upcoming Events
Please find the list of the events that is going to happen for the next two months. If you want to know the the details of the event, click on the event card. To view the calendar or the events that has been scheduled for the next six months, visit the events calendar page.
february, 2025

Shri. M. K. Rajagopalan
Founder & Chancellor

Dr. Prashanth Rajagopalan
Pro Chancellor

Dr. Urjitha Rajagopalan
Pro Chancellor

Prof. (Dr) Nihar Ranjan Biswas
Vice Chancellor

Prof. Seetesh Ghose