Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute

A Unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)

Accredited by NAAC with highest A++ Grade

Ranked 77 among Universities by NIRF 2023

A UGC Category 1 Higher Education Institution

Accredited by


Nirf 2023 among Medical

47 Rank

Nirf 2023 among universities

77 Rank




In addition to committed teaching: To the Medical and Paramedical students. The department engage themselves in regular teaching program for postgraduates of the clinical departments. This will enhance and refresh their anatomy knowledge for the better understanding of their field of subject. Added to that we also conduct / organize workshop in collaboration with other departments and institution. To improve their surgical skill,  and confidence in ease with cases.


Voluntary Body Donation (MOKSHA)

Body donation is a generous and unselfish act for those who wish to be useful to the living after death (let the “dead teaches the living”). The department of Anatomy has started the body donor registry since 2003. Many voluntary donors have registered; very few have donated their bodies after death. The institute has named the voluntary body donation program as MOKSHA and initiated delivering awareness program in Puducherry and Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu) during the early months of 2013.

To reach the village people we approached the N.G.O’s of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu such as Vasavi Club International, Rotary Club, Lions Club International, and Egai friend’s voluntary services. Under the full support and motivation from the hospital, management has kindly agreed to provide Master Health Check-up for all those who registered their name under MOKSHA once in a year free of charge and the family members of body donors shall be treated fully free of cost for any medical and surgical ailments. Every year on 15th August Independence Day, the family members of MOKSHA body donor and all the voluntary members registered under MOKSHA scheme are felicitated and honoured for their noble gesture.

The Department of Anatomy is maintaining the Donor Registry. Once a voluntary donor gives his consent for VBDP, the registered individual will be issued a Donor Card –MOKSHA. The registration form for VBDP is available in the Anatomy Department and with Public Relation Officer. Till date, the Department of Anatomy has registered 342 voluntary body donors and 169 bodies have been received under this VBDP –MOKSHA.

Registration Form English

Registration Form Tamil


Genetic Services for Patients

  • Diagnostic Work
  • Karyotyping For Patients For Academic Significance

Normal male (46 XY), Normal female (46XX), Patau /Edward /Downs Syndrome (Trisomy 13/18/21), Turners female Mosaics (46XX / 45XO), Turners male Mosaics (46XY/ 45XO) Male Pseudo Hermaphrodites (46 XY), Female Pseudo Hermaphrodites (46 XX) Chromosomal breakage Syndromes (breaks, gaps etc.), Klinefelters (47XXY) Variant 21 chromosome and Acrocentrics associations & pericentromeric associations etc.

  • Genetic counselling
  • Barr body charting