Activity Archives

CME- cum- Workshop on Heart Rate Variability: A diagnostic tool
CME- cum- Workshop on Heart Rate Variability: A diagnostic tool was organized by the Department of Physiology on 12th June 2012 to provide an objective
CME on EBM Praxis
Department of Pharmacology , Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research institute conducted CME on EBM Praxis on 20th April, 2012.

MOU between MGMCRI and District Health Society (NPCB)
District Health Society (NPCB) on 01.04.2012.

Perspectives in Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Mahatma gandhi Medical College and Research Institute has organized Continuing medical education (CME),on “Perspective in Inborn Errors of Metabolism” on 24th January 2012.

CME cum Workshop on Understanding inhalational anesthesia “Virtual to Visual”
CME cum Workshop on Understanding inhalational anesthesia “Virtual to Visual” Conducted by the Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 25th September 2011
Pondicherry State Pharmacology Quiz
Department of Pharmacology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute conducted Pondicherry State Pharmacology Quiz on 10th September 2011.