Activity Archives
Guest lecture on Overseas Opportunities for Indian Doctors
Seminar on Recent Advances in Health Professional Education (Annexure) & Guest lecture on “Overseas Opportunities for Indian Doctors” given by Dr. Senthil Nathan M.S (Ortho),

The Cultural Team of MGMC headed out to Chettinad Medical College in Chennai on the 18th and 19th of September to make our mark on

MGMCRI @ Inter-collegiate Sports 2013
MGMCRI won The state level tournament of football and badminton on April 2013 held at Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute Of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry. First place

M/s. Pondicherry Solid Waste Management Company Private Limited (PSMPL)-Puducherry- 605 502 & MGMCRI
MoU was signed between M/s. Pondicherry Solid Waste Management Company Private Limited (PSMPL)-Puducherry- 605 502 & MGMCRII on 1st June 2013 and is valid till
Guest lecture on Syncope: Physiological Tests and their Clinical Implications
Guest lecture on “Syncope: Physiological Tests and their Clinical Implications” given by Dr. E. S. Prakash, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Physiology, Mercer School of Medicine,

MOU between MGMCRI and MediAssist India TPA Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
MediAssist India TPA Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore on 11.01.2013.